Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sarah Palin Found to be Made Entirely Out of Cancer

The marauding clot of free radicals known as Sarah Palin
By Leo French

Following a minor stumble on a patch of wet pavement during the filming of her new reality show "Palin!" Sarah Palin was admitted to the emergency room at Homer Alaska's Frontier National Hospital Saturday afternoon.

There, following a series of routine tests, Sarah Palin was found to be made entirely out of cancer.

"Now let's make this very clear," said Dr. Martin Gebbes, head oncologist at Frontier hospital, "Sarah Palin doesn't HAVE cancer, she IS cancer."

Apparently Palin's entire body is composed entirely of cancerous cells, free radicals that have, due to a series of mutations, begun to replicate themselves out of control -in this case, into the graven shape of Sarah Palin.

"I've honestly never seen anything quite like it," says Gebbes, "usually cancer infects a part of a person's body, never the whole thing."

Cancer tends to come in two different types: benign and malignant.

Generally, benign tumors tend to be kept in-line by the body's own immune system which attacks and ultimately regulates potentially cancerous growths.

Occasionally however, a tumor can grow in such a way that the body's own defenses are not aware of the danger until it is too late.

When this happens, the tumor becomes "malignant" and begins siphoning off valuable resources from normal cells in order to feed itself.

"But the great danger of course," says Dr. Gebbes, "is when a tumor metastasizes. That's when cancer actually enters the blood stream and spreads to other parts of the body."

According to Gebbes, in Palin's case this seemed to have happened sometime in late 2008.

"Before then it [Palin] was definitely something I would have watched carefully for signs of growth, strange discoloration and so on," says Gebbes, "but at least she was mostly relegated to Alaska."

When shown a map of the United States post 2008 with Palin visits outlined in red Gebbes shakes his head.

"If this were a patient's x-ray, I'd give them three months to live. Tops."

When informed of the rather surprising diagnosis the Sarah Palin tumor seemed strangely up-beat saying "now that's what I call goin' Rogue!"

Friday, August 6, 2010

CERN Scientist Speaks: "We May All Be Living Inside the Asshole of a Young Boy!"

"They're where?"

By Creme Bremerton

I-Phone? Check. Wi-fi? Check.  Secret of the

While technology continues to make unprecedented leaps and bounds, the big questions still remain un-answered: why are we here? And where exactly are we anyway?

Recently however, a large piece of the puzzle seems to have fallen into place. And you'll never guess where that place is.

"Well it's very interesting" says CERN particle physicist Dr. Adrian Rance, "for the longest time we thought that we were the center of a very finite universe. Then, thanks to a series of breakthroughs we learned that we were, in fact, merely a speck in an infinitely expanding universe. Now, with the Large Hadron Collider and recent experiments in light refraction, we're starting to realize that space IS finite after all and has a very definite shape."

For those "out of the loop" so to speak, the Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest particle accelerator. Over 20 km long and capable of accelerating protons to 9/10s the speed of light, the collider offers unprescedented potential for dissecting the universe around us and finally learning what makes it all tick.

"The LHC is sort of like the world's sharpest knife." says Rance. "For the first time we're finally able to break down the universe to a fundamental level and that's exciting."

Chief amongst the proposed experiments at CERN is the so-called "fabric mapping". By accelerating particles to very high-speeds and then refracting them off of each other the scientists at CERN have been able to create a sort of high-speed "sonar" using particles of light instead of sound.

The resulting information, when properly assembled via computer, is a remarkable, albeit rather clumsy portrait of the known universe.

The more tests they performed however, the more vivid the image became until finally a strangely familiar shape began to emerge.

"For a good day and a half we just sort of stared [at the computer generated image]. " Says Rance. "Then finally somebody just said it: 'You know what that kind of looks like-'"

According to Rance and his colleagues, all evidence from these experiments point to the staggering possibility that Earth, our galaxy and, in fact, the entire known universe exists inside the asshole of a young boy.

"We were as shocked as anyone," said Rance. "I mean, our best guess was that we were all living inside some sort of infinite and self perpetuating 11 dimensional membrane whose properties were by and large governed by the vibrations of impossibly tiny strings made of pure energy. I can honestly say that I never once considered the possibility that we were all simply living inside the asshole of a young boy."

Renowned proctologists were brought in to verify the data. Recognizable muscle groups and other anotomical features were quickly identified amongst the bleary, pixelated images.

"The image quality isn't so good," says Dr. Leonard Ghims, a proctologist at Mt. Sinai hospital in New York, "but it's on par with a regular sonogram from a routine colonostomy. I have to say, if you were to present this to me with no other explanation and asked me to tell you what it was, I'd say with a certain degree of confidence that it is a sonically generated image of the interior of a young boy's asshole. I've seen a thousand of them."

Obviously the religious and psychological ramifications of this discovery are potentially devastating.

"It's awful," says Rance, "I can't do anything anymore without that thought rolling over in my head. I'm shopping for groceries...inside a young boys asshole. I'm washing my car....inside a young boy's asshole. I'm making love to my wife...well you get the picture."

And it doesn't stop there. As Rance points out: everything that has ever happened in our history has taken place inside a young boy's asshole. Every word Shakespeare ever wrote, every symphony Mozart ever composed has occurred inside the untold cosmic depths of a young boy's asshole.

While the exact age and identity of the boy remain unknown, experts agree that whoever he is, he is in decent health and likely between the ages of 9 and 12.

"Not that it matters, but he's probably also caucasian," added Dr. Ghims. "You can tell by the size of the prostate."

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Top Ten Snake Names

Posted by Randy J. Peasley

1. Slither Hither
2. Scale River
3. Tail All
4. Coiled Hell
5. Time/Space Stop (in form of deadly reptile)
6. Grass Assassin
7. The Lying-In-Waitington
8. Ankle fucker
9. Rape Foot
10. Lil' No Hands

Top Ten Shark Names

Posted by Kent Peasley

1. Kilometer Eater
2. Fathom Hammer
3. Shark of the East
4. Depth Wolf
5. Eat Genius
6. The Under Hitler
7. Gill Demon
8. Bite Captain
9. Neptune's Bastard
10. Fish Impossible

Tuesday, August 3, 2010



I once contracted crabs from a whore.
they leapt from her gash by the score.
they formed ranks as they landed,
and their numbers expanded,
I fear they shall soon declare war.

Concerning the Discovery of Life on Mars

By Jarvis Wade

Hey, for those who haven't been following the whole Mars thing, here's a quick recap.

So yes, they did technically find life on Mars. But before you start shooting at the sky, realize that these aren't little green men we're dealing with.

They're actually very tiny micro-bacterial organisms buried in the sub-stratum ice around Mars' frozen polar ice caps.

These creatures are VERY simple in structure, hardly even of the order of bacteria. Furthermore, there's still heated debate between scientists on whether or not these organisms can even be considered lifeforms.

And of course that's part of the debate nobody really ever anticipated about the discovery of alien life: since it's alien, how can we use our current standards to define it?

Let's think about this for a second people:

What if we come across digital life forms? Sentient robots? Mindless collectives or, as the current situation holds, proto-bacteria that subsist on ammonia gasses and seem unable to reproduce on their own (apparently one of the big sticking points for these "anti-life" scientists).

If racism has torn our world apart, imagine what a terrible social disease "life-ism" will be when finally begin routinely dealing with other life forms. What standards will we ultimately use to qualify if something is alive or it isn't?

Personally, from what I understand of these "new" life forms they fit the bill close enough that I have no problem extending a hearty welcome to our tiny little pantheon of existence. There's little enough life out there already, no point arguing semantics.

Besides, it's exciting as hell. Evidence that life has arisen not once, but TWICE independently within our own, tiny solar system bodes well for the existence of life on a far grander scale elsewhere in the universe.

So to you tiny, mindless little microbes swirling around the southern pole of Mars: welcome to a very exclusive club. So far there are only two members. May that number expand greatly.

In the meantime, keep watching the skies.


Monday, August 2, 2010


Hey Guys,

So I finally went and saw the movie "Inception" yesterday and here I am with the full review. Warning! Spoilers ahead!

Alright, first of all, the film isn't as "mind crazy" as everybody is saying.

Sure it has it's moments where you just scratch your head and say "Mr. Nolan, you simply have too much time on your hands!" But really, there's nothing much here that you haven't seen before.

Concerning the plot itself. Basically the story takes place in the near future where brains have stopped being able to generate certain vital brainwaves (some sort of evolutionary failsafe to keep species from getting too prolific I think).

The story centers around four "Dream Jumpers" who's job it is to the obtain these vital brain waves at whatever the cost (moral or otherwise).

In order to accomplish this they kidnap special children (teen agers more like) who for whatever reason have brains that produce these vital brain waves when they dream.

They take these chidlren to their lab which (for some reason) is in a giant decrepit ocean liner that looks all grimy from the outside but inside is really super high-tech.

The thing is, they kidnap this one kid who isn't really a kid at all but another brain agent (played by who else but eternally cherub faced Ellen Page). And guess what? She's got her own agenda.

Page plays along for awhile, allowing the four men (Dicaprio, Watanabe et al) to enter into her young mind to try and steal her thoughts or something.

The creepiest part of it is the strangely sexual manner in which Nolan treats these mind "insertion" scenes.

The men all climb into this long -and remarkably phallic- train-like device and then, following this CGI odyssey, somehow manage to transmit their mental algorithms INTO little Ms. Page who lies in a weird gynocologist's chair biting her lip in what anybody who hasn't watched the lead up would assume to be a rape scene. Hmmm....what could it all mean?

The four men end up inside Page's mind and things just deteriorate from there. Of course Dicaprio ends up falling in love with Page's mind. Feels guilty about kidnapping her and mind-raping her and tries to save her.

But of course Page isn't any angel herself and there's this series of predictable double crosses which essentially amount to the "mind bendy" version of the Rom Com meet-cute.

Eventually Page (her mind's version of herself anyway) decides that she loves Dicaprio and escapes through her own mind with her mind's version of Dicaprio as they're chased by Watanabe and several other guys armed with mind guns.

I honestly sort of slipped in and out of the movie. At one point there's a scene where Dicaprio is fighting Watanabe on top of this CGI pyramid with, can you believe it, broadswords while Ellen Page somehow manages to conjure this fucking Golem out of the sand of her own mind to fight him.

And get this: the Golem is made up of all the negative thoughts Page's character has been keeping locked inside for so long which sets up the final kicker:

(Warning Big Spoiler ahead):

Ellen Page wakes up and...

It was all a dream.

Or rather, it was all one big psycho-therapy session for Page's character to come to terms with, you guessed it, getting raped by four men five years earlier.
Of course her psychologist is none other than dreamy Leo himself made intellectual here by wearing a pair of ridiculous spectacles.

Now while some might call that sort of surprise ending "revolutionary" I, for one say that any movie that ends with the main character waking up only to find that the whole movie we've become vested in is a dream is simply lazy story telling and it's got more in common with M. Night what's-his-face's latest trends of sudden, un-earned endings than anything else.

Still, beats the rest of the swill out this summer.

Check back next week for a review of Toy Story 3


(Transcript from an ad I saw last night on Illinois public access TV)


A little kid sits in bed.
His father, a jerk in a suit is yelling at him.

And this room is a mess! I work all day to put food on the table and this is what I come home to?

The kid stares on, innocent, easily wounded by words. Close on the father’s mouth. Spitting with rage.

You’re useless! You’re lazy! Don’t look at me like that! Hey! Hey! I’m not done talking to you! Why couldn’t you have turned out more like your brother?

The scene freezes and a muscular BEAST OF A MAN walks in front of the camera like in an old, low budget divorce lawyer ad.

He looks like the MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE.

(Points to camera)
Hey kids! You hate your dad? Well give me a call. I’ll throw your dad off a fuckin’ roof!

As he’s taking we-


The BEAST of a MAN tosses the SCREAMING DAD off the roof in slow-mo.


The scene remains frozen. The beast of a man continues talking to the camera.

Call 1-800-455-2600 or go to WWWW.DADHATE.COM. Act now and I’ll run your mother over with a fucking garbage truck.

The DADHATE logo spins into frame.



The FATHER from earlier sits at the table with a MOTHER and the SON from earlier.
Plates of healthy vegetables line the table.

The SON is throwing a TANTRUM.


The FATHER and MOTHER look at each other, exhausted.

The SCENE freezes and the SAME BEAST of a MAN from earlier steps on screen.

Hey Mom, Dad, kid won’t eat his greens? Drop me a line and I’ll make him eat all the dirt in the fucking yard!


The BEAST OF A MAN holds the KID down and shovels dirt and grass into his mouth.


The BEAST OF A MAN stands in front of a graphic backdrop that says: KIDHATE.

Call 1-800-455-2600 or go to WWW.KIDHATE.COM. While you’re at it make sure to check out our other services:

As he’s talking various STILL IMAGES flash across the screen.
Each image shows the BEAST OF A MAN throwing the specified object off a fucking roof.


Back to the BEAST of MAN.

Act now and I’ll kill you my fucking self!

Overcome with rage, he runs towards the camera.




THE BEAST OF A MAN sits in a chair in the middle of the studio.

The KID and DAD stand behind him, smiling warmly.

Hey, sometimes I joke about breaking your yappy dog in half or killin’ your fucking kid but hate is no laughing matter. I’ve got a chemical imbalance and it’s turning me into a monster.

The father lays a nervous hand on the BEAST OF A MAN’s shoulder.

I’m trying so hard.

The BEAST OF A MAN smiles awkwardly at the camera.

A RAINBOW SPATTERED LOGO which reads: “TOGETHER WE CAN” floats across the screen.
The sound of a flute.


BAD EGGS: Another Chapter in the Unabridged Suicide Note of Ricky Myron



In addition to the various barns and sheds dotting our decrepit estate, a flimsy, ancient chicken coop stood in the corner of the property like a threadbare wraith.

The “coop” was home to all manner of fowl from chickens of various breeds to turkeys to ducks and geese.

I will not lie, the living conditions inside the coop were abysmal. The outdoor area was completely covered, top to bottom in chicken wire. Mud covered the ground there for a full ten months out of the year. The various birds paced around inside like convicts, picking fights, raping each other, eating each others eggs and shitting inside the empty nests.

Inside the coop things were no better. A fine powder made from ancient chicken droppings, straw dust and bird dander coated the floor and a grey haze fogged the air like smoke. Here the surliest chickens would roost in nooks and crannies, leering out from the haze with the psychopathic hatred of hard lifers.

Upon entering the coop to feed the inmates one could expect to be shrieked at, lunged at and pecked at. Geese would chase you with their necks down and their mouths open hoping to give you such a pinch that you’d think twice about ever setting foot in their neck of the woods again.

Usually, being an animal lover, I would suffer these pecks and jabs without complaint pulling a Jesus and whispering “forgive them o’ lord for they know not what they do” or else chuckling happily and saying “good one pal!” while wiping the trickle of blood away from whatever open patch of skin I was foolish enough to leave exposed.

Of course patience is valuable only because it is finite and tolerance, while often mistaken for weakness, is in fact a brand of wiry strength that, when stretched past it’s range, tends to snap back with remarkable force. The kind of force that leaves welts.

On that note, there were two birds that not only tested the patience of my family and friends, but exceeded it as well. They were known, unaffectionately, as the “Shit-head Roosters.”

The Shit-head Roosters were identical to one another. They were short, maybe eight inches tall, had ridiculous red combs on top of their heads and long, wicked barbs on the backs of their feet. Their feathers were a sort of muted gold mixed with a dark, hateful blue. They were meaner than hell.

They were so mean that they had either been kicked out of the chicken coop by the other chickens (a feat comparable to getting kicked out of a maximum security prison for being too tough) or else left on their own because beating up other chickens was getting too easy and they wanted to stick it to the lanky monkeys outside.

One generally associates chickens with ground fowl, which is valid as they are usually spotted on the ground. Roosters, however are called roosters because they like to roost. In fact, most chickens are possessed of a limited flying ability and, by flapping like mad, can usually gain branches twenty or so feet off the ground.

The Shit-head roosters had therefore taken up roost in a tree right outside of Guthrie and Candace’s house which, in turn, was kitty-corner to the chicken coop. With the exception of late autumn, the tree was usually covered with a thick camouflage of leaves which made the Shit-head roosters all but impossible to see. Coming home from work after a long day, Guthrie or Candace would inevitably be exhausted and their minds would not be on self-defense but on bills to pay, chores to do or issues having risen at work.

The Shit-head Roosters’ standard method of attack was to wait until their prey was a little bit past the tree, maybe three feet or so, and then leap off their perch. Slowing their descent by flapping, they would then land on the back of the person’s neck and begin kicking like mad with their talons.

Usually they would do this one by one, tag-teaming a person by alternating attacks. Other times, when they were feeling particularly nasty, they would descend in unison and wreak a special type of synchronized hell.

Once engaged, the Shit-head roosters were surprisingly difficult to detach as their claws could clutch through the fabric of one’s shirt while their beaks did terrible work to the scalp and neck. Seeing a person flail under the attack of the Shit-head roosters was both humorous and terrifying. The victims would stumble back and forth screaming obscenities and clutching madly at the air, begging for somebody to get the damned things off.

If you were in earshot you would, of course, wish to oblige. The thing was, you would have to count how many roosters there were before you went in to help because if you only saw one, that meant that the other was sitting there, waiting in the tree for you to come closer so that it could jump down and kick you in the neck too.

The roosters never did any real damage. There were cuts that bled and torn shirts and scratches but nothing life threatening or disfiguring in any permanent way.

But it happened a lot.

It happened especially to Candace and Guthrie and, understandably, they grew tired of it. The roosters didn’t seem to understand that, when the gloves came off, they were really no match for an angry human being.

The only thing that kept Candace and Guthrie from retaliating in kind was their pervasive love and tolerance for all living things. They could have destroyed the roosters if they wanted to. They could have lit their tree on fire and waited on the ground with machetes and stew-pots. But they didn’t. They just suffered and bore it. For a time.

I wasn’t there for the actual breaking of the levee but I have heard it recounted enough times to feel like I was. It was night. It was winter and Guthrie had gone outside to fetch some wood for the fire. The tree was missing quite a few leaves by this time but it was dark enough that you couldn’t see anyway. Guthrie made it to the wood shed alright, loaded up a full bushel of wood and started back.

As he passed under the tree he heard a familiar flapping sound and one of the Shit-head roosters landed on the back of his neck and started kicking. Guthrie dropped the wood in surprise. It landed on his foot and hurt.

Cursing he scrambled with the rooster. He had just managed to dislodge the first rooster when the second landed on his neck. This one didn’t just kick; it leaned forward, muttered something ugly and bit his ear.

With the second rooster biting through his earlobe Guthrie turned around just in time to see the first rooster in mid-flight traveling back towards him, eyes down, beak open in rage. The angle was just right.

Guthrie pulled back his foot and kicked. The rooster sailed up into the night sky like a well kicked soccer ball –a good forty feet or so from what I understand- decided that he’d had enough and flapped his way over the house and was gone. I believe he was taken by eagles shortly after.

Perhaps the other shit-head rooster paused briefly to watch his twin disappear over the roof and into the wilds beyond. Perhaps it turned back to Guthrie with a look a redoubled fury, it’s eyes flashing the words “you killed my brother.” Perhaps Guthrie and the second rooster battled long into the night, like Beowulf and Grendel’s mother at the bottom of the lake. Or perhaps, after watching it’s evil twin disappear over the rooftop, the second Shit-head rooster let out a tortured crow of defeat and, detaching itself from Guthrie’s torn and bleeding neck, let itself fall to the ground where it remained for the rest of its days, a broken ex-villain.

Although I never actually got the full story as to how Guthrie’s battle with the second rooster concluded. I am guessing that the latter version is closer to the truth.

With it’s brother gone, the other Shit-head rooster became a shadow of it’s former self. It ran from people and other chickens, ate at night, slept fitfully during the day and spent most of its time roosting in that same tree, waiting, waiting for that familiar flap of wings on the wind and the days to come where he and his brother would once again swoop down from the branches of the great tree and kick the necks of passersby.

Nature Nurses Vulture causes shoot out

Hey guys, it's R. Myron again,

Just wanting to thank everybody for coming to last night's String Theory Festival.

It was one hell of a show. Rutger Hauer M.D. opened followed by Sluggy Baby. Next up was Kitty's Got An Erection followed by The Brown Gift and Sayonara Motherfucker.

Of course saving the best for last, Nature Nurses Vulture was (as usual) totally fucking creepy and hats off to those of you who stayed for the whole show.

For those who didn't, perhaps a little catch up is in order (especially for those of you who left friends behind and couldn't manage to contact them until early today).

So, after the first set, which ended with Vulture's timeless classic "Yes Vagina, There is a Santa Claus", the rest of the band took five while lead singer Karl Dumgrot dimmed the lights and announced to the audience that he was HIV positive (he's not).

Of course, no one else in the audience knew this and several of his ex-girlfriends (who happened to be there) FREAKED THE FUCK OUT.

One of the ladies who will remain nameless (at least until the inevitable court case releases its verdict) rushed the stage and proceeded to just BEAT THE LIVING SHIT out of Dumgrot calling him all sorts of things ("blood traitor" being my personal favorite).

Of course due in part to these colorful epithets, (as well as the fact that Vulture's shows tend to be a little hmm...should we say "theatrical"? ) At first everybody thought this was all part of the act.

It wasn't until Dumgrot grabbed the mic and managed in a squeeky voice to yell for help that security jumped to it and escorted the young lady off stage.

But that wasn't it. Not quite. On her way to the door the young lady in question managed to grab one of the security guards service pistols and PROCEEDED TO EMPTY AN ENTIRE CLIP in the direction of the stage miraculously hitting nothing.

So, nobody got hurt except for Dumgrot who arguably deserves it because jokes like that really aren't that funny (except when they are).

Concert goers were detained for a few hours following the "incident" to answer questions so that should probably explain why your friends didn't meet you for drinks afterwards like they said they would.

Regardless, the concert was wild, the music was crazy and the venue ("Contagion" between 1st and Gilly) was awesome.

Hope to see you at the next String Theory Festival which is slated for September 11. Venue to be announced!

How To: Summon a Demon!


1. An altar (Preferably one stained with blood.)

2. Sacrificial material: (I like to use prime rib but any type of high quality meat will do. Although please note that generally Demons find meat substitutes (i.e. Boca, Tofurkey etc...) to be offensive and will often punish with fire if these offerings are made.

3. A summoning medium (essentially any sort of liquid will do but bodily fluids tend to hold special favor with these creatures.)

4. Chalk (for drawing diagrams and summoning circles).

5. Suitable music. To set the mood. I’ve used many things over the years but I’ve found that the B side of the Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom soundtrack works perfectly. Purchase it here:

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom [Original Motion Picture Soundtrck]

6. Some incendiary material. (I use lighter fluid myself.)

7. A fire extinguisher.

8. Snacks, drinks and other refreshments you may personally require.



First of all you must decide what Demon you are going to summon. There is a vast pantheon of demons and dark servants out there and each has it’s own particular benefits and dangers!!

For this particular guide we are going to be focusing on summoning Radishangar, a minor plague imp of the Valtenzarg and a former servant of Grantack the God Eater (If the scrolls of Golti-Marchi-Brolian can be believed anyway!! Thanks Pam -ED).

1. To begin with, clear your summoning space of all debris. Make sure you have removed any and all posters or packages with visible brand names from the walls and surfaces. Demons are a very critical lot and will judge you on your political and even artistic preferences.

Next: take your chalk and, on the floor draw an isocolces triangle. Make sure the triangle is exactly 4 feet on it’s two longest sides.

Next: draw a square around the triangle, containing it.

NOTE: Make sure that the two sides are exactly the same length! If Radishangar is not summoned inside an isocoles triangle he will speak only lies!

ALSO: Make sure the square is completely closed otherwise Radishangar can escape and spread disease.

2. Place your offering on the altar.

No real ritual is needed for this. Since you haven’t summoned Radishangar yet, he will not be paying attention to what you do at this point.

3. Next, turn on Indiana Jones (I use a cassette. If you’re using a CD, use track #7 and just keep it there on repeat for the duration of the ritual.)

Say the following words in a deep, clear, strong voice:


4. Now, spray your offering with lighter fluid and light it. Not too much, you don’t want to burn the house down!

5. Once the meat is burning say the following words in a deep, clear, strong voice

(NOTE: try to time it in synch with the Kali Ma chant on Indiana Jones.)


6. Now take your summoning medium and spray a little into each of the four corners of the square.

(I like to use one of those condiment bottles that chefs use to put sauce on their dishes. You can get them for $1.50 at any restaurant supply store.)

NOTE: Remember, if you’ve decided to use urine or another bodily fluid, make sure to keep the bottle out of the kitchen or at least label it: SUMMONING MEDIUM to avoid confusion.

7. By now your offering should be pretty well cooked. Time to put it out. If the lighter fluid has pretty well exhausted itself, you can just cover the offering with a bowl or something else to snuff it out. If the lighter fluid has managed to catch fire to your altar then just use your fire extinguisher to put it out.

NOTE: Do not use a wooden or flammable altar!
However, DO NOT ACTUALLY REMOVE THE OFFERING FROM THE ALTAR UNTIL THE DEMON HAS LEFT. If you do so, the DEMON may believe that you are stealing from it and cause you harm.

8. Once the fire is out, spray the rest of the SUMMONING MEDIUM into the middle of the triangle and wait.

NOTE: Be patient! Demons are notoriously poor with time management and this might take anywhere from 2-3 days. Aren’t you glad you brought those snacks?
You should know that your demon has arrived when a foul odor emanates from the altar. When this happens say in a clear, strong voice:


The demon may or not answer. Do not be deterred.

Be sure to check back next week for how to get rid of the dern Thing!

The Mother of Invention by Slappy and Dactyl

Take one look around this country and what do you see? If you answered filth, trash and stupidty, you’re half right. The answer is, of course, crap.
We’ve got so much crap in this country that our collective rectums might just need another lane installed. Of course there are many different types of crap. Some crap you create yourself and flush away without another thought. Other crap you buy because you see an ad for it on television and then later on, after you realize there’s a reason the human race has gone without said crap for X thousands of years, you throw it in the trash or give it to the poor people.
My job ladies and gentlemen, as thankless as it is, is to review some of this crap before you, the person, waste your hard earned/stolen time/money on it.
Fellow Citizens! I have spared no expense scouring the internet in search of products that you, the person, might find captivating, ingenious, erotic and yes, even beautiful.
I have chosen three such products and put them against every test I know to see if they are worth the suggested manufacturers retail price to you, the person.

So without further ado:

Product #1: Solid Gold S.E.P.

I found this on Amazon.Com. Guess what S.E.P. stands for. Sweet Emotional Promise? Soul Empowerment Package? Septum Elongation Pills? Wrong. How about Stop Eating Poop. That’s right, for all you scat-o-vores out there who flunked out of shit-eaters anonymous because you just couldn’t make it through the day without eating out of the toilet, here’s the product for you.
Originally designed for dogs, Solid Gold S.E.P. contains a compound called Cyanocobalamin which is more commonly known as vitamin B-12. Usually Cyanocobalamin is made by bacteria inside the colons of healthy mammals. However, when something is amiss diet wise (or when said beastie is infested with various intestinal parasites) the production of Cyanocobalamin is reduced and must be replaced via other sources. That’s why you tend to see dogs eating each others shit so often and why, as a dog owner, you should be proud when you see another dog eat your dog’s shit. It means your dog is healthier than that dog.
Anyway, bottom line: if you (or your dog) are suffering from a Cyanocabalamin deficiency and can’t stop eating the shit of other mammals, Solid Gold S.E.P might just be for you. As far as my own personal critique goes, perhaps I am not the best person to review this particular product as I have never felt the urge to snack on scat. Still, after mixing Solid Gold S.E.P. powder in with my morning smoothie for a week I can honestly say that I still go to the bathroom without fork in hand and when I come across dog feces in the park, I still tend to walk around it.

Solid Gold S.E.P. (Stop Eating Poop) 3.5oz for only $8.09!!
Rating: 2 out of 4 Stars
It tastes like shit!

Product #2: The Biniki “Butt Bra.”

It sort of makes sense actually. The bigger you are, the more gravity loves you. The traditional “breast bra” has proved widely popular over the years -barring that brief stint by young female arsonists during the ‘60s- so why not a butt bra? Why not indeed.
Apart from sounding like the word “Bikini” spoken by a profoundly retarded man, the Biniki looks like a Bikini made by a profoundly retarded man.
The Biniki is designed to offer support to sagging buttocks by propping up each cheek with a thick band of nylon and then supporting that weight by strapping around one’s mid-section, just above the pelvis. The size can be adjusted via an easy to use “three-ring system” and further adjusted by using a series of leg-hoops just bellow the buttocks.
Again, the premise is sound and really, in this vain culture, it does make sense or at least is consistent with our penchant for not making sense. Perhaps it is that I am a male and am not used to wearing similar devices across my chest. Perhaps it is that I only weigh 135 pounds and have the taught gluteal musculature of a 19 year-old Swedish cabin boy, or perhaps it is that I can’t quite justify paying nearly $30 for something that doesn’t even really count as underwear. Regardless, I was NOT sold on the Biniki.
I wore the hellish contraption for a single day in a variety of locations. I went to dinner with the Biniki. I promenaded my way around the city wearing the Biniki. I went to the bathroom wearing the Biniki and I even went dancing with the Biniki.
Let it be known that the Biniki does work. Both my buttocks were lent ample support throughout the evening. Let it further be known that the adjustable straps worked like a dream and I rarely felt like the Biniki was in control. Let it be also known that, while wearing the Biniki one becomes afflicted with an almost unbearable sensation of having to defecate. Constantly. Perhaps I was wearing the Biniki too tightly, perhaps my posterior was too slight to require the assistance of the Biniki. Regardless, walking around all day looking like you have to take a shit isn’t my idea of high fashion and I’d prefer seeing a slightly sagging bottom over a clenched face any day of the week..

The Biniki “Butt Bra” By KarinArt Inc.
In White or Black $29.95

1 out of 4 Stars.

Product #3: Hello Kitty Vibrator

Hey Kids! What’s creepier than hell?!! Turning a beloved icon of childhood innocence into a tool for having super intense orgasms at the push of a button!
Wow. I can’t believe this thing really exists. I had actually heard rumors for years but I had placed them into the same camp as KFC Popcorn Chicken being made from chicken tumors. It just doesn’t make sense. And yet, the pink monolith standing before me now attests to the fact that not all rumors are false and some dreams do come true.
The Hello Kitty Vibrator is specifically a vibrator. That is, it was made specifically to provide sexual gratification. At least, that’s my opinion based on the shape of the thing as every word on the box is in Japanese. Perhaps the product was never intended for sale outside it’s native land? Who knows. What I do know is that the vibrator is pink. The shaft is six inches long or so, rounded at the end and has a little statue of Hello Kitty herself (does this mean Hello Kitty is a Lesbian?) mounted atop the device. The shaft then extends from her groin like a gigantic hemorrhoid or an obscenely engorged clitoris.
Presumably one grasps Ms. Kitty by the torso and thrusts the shaft wherever it is needed. One does not orgasm from sheer cuteness alone! There is a switch located on the shaft (labeled in English) that turns the quiet but powerful motor on. This causes the entire device to vibrate intensely. When placed in contact with certain areas of the body one may experience sensations of euphoria quickly followed by intense guilt and shame when one notices Hello Kitty’s innocent face staring out from whatever orifice she has been plunged into.
I will not delve too deeply into my personal experience with the Hello Kitty Vibrator. Needless to say, there are some things that words cannot describe, perhaps should not describe. Furthermore, like the Biniki before it I realize that the Hello Kitty Vibrator was probably intended for use by a woman, in this case probably a young Japanese woman. But, as I mentioned in my mission statement earlier, I have spared no expense either financially or emotionally in bringing you, the person, the most accurate and honest reviews possible. That said:

Hello Kitty Vibrator Massager Masturbator - New From Japan $48.00!!!!
4 out of 4 Stars and worth every stinking penny.



Another chapter in the unabridged suicide note of Ricky Myron



Instead of getting their provender from regular grocery stores like all of the normal children’s families, my parents shopped at a food co-op. Here they purchased strange, shadow-world versions of regular food items. We had hot-dogs and we had milk and cheese just like all the other kids, only our hot-dogs were organic, had a distinct greenish hue to them and were made weekly by a strange woman with one tooth named Labyrinth who lived alone with her dogs and oxen in a little house near a swamp.
Then there was halva which is a Middle Eastern delight made from sesame seeds and honey. It was the only sweet item we were allowed to eat as children and it tasted roughly like somebody had pissed on a handful of sand to make it clump and then, deciding that was too cruel, poured sugar all over it. Another item we saw far too much of was organic peanut butter which came in large plastic tubs with lids that were sharp at the edges and hard to remove .
Within these giant, sharp edged tubs was a grey, cement-like substance void of any flavor. One did not, could not, spread this substance. It had to be chipped out with a sturdy knife and positioned -like stones in a garden- onto a slice of bread or else perched in chunks on top of a banana like some precarious Wiley Coyote trap.

In addition to the varied horrors my parents unearthed at the food co-op for our daily consumption, my mother also fancied herself a baker and, as such, for the first 15 years of my life I did not so much as taste real bread. The loaves my mother baked were nutritious certainly, succulent in their way and even moist and chewy once the leathery crust had been breached. However, the loaves were also quite heavy as my mother, a germaphobe from birth, had never fully felt comfortable around yeast. Consequently, it was not unusual for a single slice of my mother’s bread to weigh in at half a pound. Granted these slices were usually generously cut as the crust often deflected all but the sharpest blades and even these it would only allow in at strange and glancing angles.

Furthermore my mother, having lost depth perception in one eye due to a bacterial infection transmitted to her via the bite of a diseased harbor seal, would often hack off slices of bread that were nearly two inches thick on one end and paper thin, almost sharp, on the other.

Two such slices sandwiched together with a similarly cut hunk of cheese in the middle would create a sandwich weighing over a pound and towering in at a colossal 4 ½ inches high. For a young ten year old mouth, such a monolithic object was simply impossible to consume given the scant half hour allotted for school lunch breaks.

To make matters worse, my parents, thrifty in all things, had decided to save money by purchasing non-disposable lunch bags, hideous contraptions woven by machines out of thick, bright pink nylon. The basic premise behind these bags was sound: Never buy another paper bag again! Save the trees! Impress your friends with your progressive thinking!
Fine idea.
In theory.

However, my mother (bless her sweet soul) never thought to wash the bags after using them. For the first several weeks this was fine but, over the course of the school year, the errant drops of mayonnaise mixed with the stray crumbs of salami and the occasional blobs of peanut butter to create something that was altogether “unfine” and, more likely than not, toxic as hell.

It was bad enough showing up to school with patched jeans, bowl-cuts and dog-shit sandwiched into the antique waffle-soled shoes we had inherited from Good-will but to also sit down to lunch with the other children and watch as they pulled forth from their designer back-packs sleek, disposable paper bag lunches and proceed to draw forth from these all manner of sterile, pre-packaged foods, was excruciating.

Every day we watched as these well dressed, handsome children traded items from their lunches back and forth, items with recognizable names but unfamiliar tastes. Items such as “Snack Pack Pudding,” “Twinkies” and “Fun Fruits” switched hands quickly while we were left like beggars at the window, slack-jawed at this opulence, bewildered by this bizarre ritual of commerce we were never invited attend.

Every day we’d watch them as they relished the taste of their savory processed meats. Every day we’d wince in jealousy at the sound of the plastic un-peeling from one of their fancy, individually wrapped slices of cheese.

All the while we’d sit there, in our corner of the cafeteria, dreading the moment when hunger would get the best of us and we would be forced to reach into our ancient burlap back-packs, retrieve our own, bright pink non-disposable lunch bags and reach inside to see what horror mother had made for us that day.

There usually wasn’t much suspense as the lunch menus tended to be quite limited in their variety. Generally we would each receive one of three possible entrees:

A Cheese Sandwich which consisted of two 2 inch slices of homemade bread with a ½ inch wedge of cheese inside. To this would be added an almost obscenely large piece of iceberg lettuce and a generous smear of my father’s own homemade mayonnaise which he would prepare each month in bulk, the dregs of which would often sour by the end of the fourth week.

A Tuna-fish sandwich. Which consisted of two 2 inch slices of homemade bread with an entire hockey-puck sized can of Tuna fish in between.
A peanut butter sandwich made with that waxy grey, indigestible organic peanut butter and homemade “jam” made from such lovely fruits as the jalepeno.

To either of these would be added a fresh apple which my father would pick from the tree every morning. The lunch would then be completed by a thermos alternately filled with either milk or orange juice. These were seldom washed thoroughly between refills, my mother preferring to simply fill them with soapy water and let them sit over night.

One day we had all received cheese sandwiches. The sandwiches were huge and revolting looking. We took bites in unison, the uppermost borders of the sandwiches disturbing the bangs of our three identical bowl-cuts.

As if trained, we each pulled back from the sandwiches in unison as we realized that our mother had yet again managed to bake three to four of her impossibly long hairs into the dough of the bread. My sister choked and then almost vomited as one morsel of bread spelunked it’s way down the shaft of her throat while suspended from her mouth by a strand of hair.

Eager to wash down this savory bite we each reached for our thermoses only to discover that our mother had forgotten to empty out the soapy water from the night before and we were each greeted by a mouthful of bitter grey liquid with flecks of old milk floating liberally throughout.

As we were sputtering and coughing and trying to keep our composure I noticed a final bit of devilry emerging from my non-disposable lunch bag. Apparently the little wad of residual lunch matter at the bottom of my bag had begun attracting flies for there, peeking out the end of the bag, were the black, lacquered heads of several large maggots. Scooping them quickly back into the bag, my siblings and I left the lunch table in a hurry.

Although every one of my classmates (with the exception of Jason Delano who was slow and picked his nose in class) was dating by the fourth grade, neither I or my siblings had a girlfriend or a boyfriend until we were at least sixteen years of age. I can only imagine then, that whatever intrinsic sexual appeal my siblings and I may have had at that age was wiped out on a daily basis whenever our fellow classmates saw what it is we were made out of.

I know that I’m shallow enough that, if I were to see a girl with maggots in her lunch, I would probably not want to kiss her, or even really be near her. Regardless, to this day I don’t eat as much as my friends do, I smell my food before I eat it and I have a strange and unhealthy obsession with processed cheese.

Timebomb: Another Chapter in the Unabridged Suicide Note of Ricky Myron


Bella died on a cold afternoon in late November. She had led a rather good life as far sheep go and I didn’t feel particularly bad about her death. I found her on my daily rounds, flat on her back in the grain room, her four spindly legs splayed up into the air. The other sheep were keeping their distance from her, not out of respect or even really out of fear but out of some mindless and deeply rooted instinct to not disturb the dead in case whatever killed them was still around, and perhaps communicable.

Already her belly was swelling with what was, most certainly, her death fart: that collection of latent gases in the intestines created from the bacteria actually beginning to break down and devour the cells of the corpse itself . This was going to be a two person job at least so I went and told my father.

He sighed when I told him. “Too bad,” he said, “She was always my favorite,”

“Mine too,” I said.

He checked his watch; it was 4:15. Late November. The sun was already setting. “Is Guthrie home?” He asked.

“No,” I said. Guthrie the farmhand was in town attending a concert. He would not be back until late.

My father fell silent in thought, sucking air over his teeth. “Let’s do it tomorrow then,” he said finally. “We’ll just get rid of her tomorrow.”

That night it snowed three feet. The next day the entire world was blanketed in smooth, candy white and nothing could be seen of Bella but two tell tale points jutting out from the snow like pieces of coal: her front hooves. The ground was frozen solid.

Once more I consulted my father.

“Well,” he said, looking out at the snow. “The thing is, it’s gonna be really hard to get her out in this weather, we’ll just wait until the snow thaws. Then we’ll move her, give her a nice burial. She really was a good sheep.”

“Yes,” I agreed, “My absolute favorite.”

I went over to Candace and Guthrie’s later that night to smoke cigarettes and I told them what had happened. When I told them we had decided to postpone the burial until after the snow melted Guthrie shook his head and said:.

“I don’t like where this is headed.”

The snow remained for nearly a week before finally melting away sometime in December. By the time the snow disappeared completely Bella was looking very bad indeed. As she thawed, whatever bacterial metabolism was still at work inside of her kicked into over drive and she swelled and swelled until she was comically round, her four legs rising into the air so that she resembled a fully inflated set of bagpipes.

“The ground’s still frozen,” my father said, “we’re going to have to wait a week or so for it to thaw.”

Three days later it snowed again and once more Bella’s corpse was covered up completely.

“Hell of a thing,” my father said, “I don’t think it’s snowed like this in years.”

For the next two months or so we experienced a winter like we never had before. The snow eventually grew to a depth of nearly six feet and, lacking snowshoes, my family and I were forced to perform our chores by walking on all fours across the top of the snow drifts in order to displace our weight enough to keep from sinking through.

It was a comical sight watching my father a wizened and respected University professor, scrambling on all fours across the snow drifts like some muddled werewolf, bucket in hand, the pale moon rising, ghostly and bone colored behind him.

Christmas came and went without a thaw and nobody mentioned Bella, lying frozen beneath lord knew how many feet of snow and ice, but the thought was always there along with the knowledge of the horror that would await us come the first thaw of spring.

In the month of January the weather turned truly ugly. During a brief and deceptive thaw, most of the snow melted away. This was followed by a week of terrible, cold rain and then another deep freeze, this one drier and far, far colder than before. All the rain turned to ice and the wind blew in at a skin freezing negative 30 degrees. The radio advised people not to leave their homes and that if they did, to rub Crisco shortening on their exposed skin to keep it from freezing in the bitter wind.

The animals had it worst of all and we were all kept busy around the clock carrying hot water to the animals and using giant iron mauls to break the ice in their water troughs. At one point the plumbing went out and we were forced to endure the medieval horror of using a toilet that did not flush. Finally, after power outages, fallen trees, hypothermia and an appalling lack of general hygiene, the weather warmed and the ice began to melt.

As the sun came out and the first green buds of spring pushed their way through the soaking, broken earth, we all breathed a collective sigh of relief…until the ice and hardened snow melted sufficiently to reveal what had lain hidden all winter long, frozen, thawed and refrozen perhaps half a dozen times.

By now Bella was so comically swollen that her belly had actually begun to swell past her knees, swallowing her legs at the ankles. Her wool had turned a pea-soup yellow with mold. A smell that was unlike anything I had ever encountered before emanated from her.

We all avoided discussing Bella for a good week or so in hopes that maybe she would become a little less disgusting, but no such luck.

On the Saturday following the great thaw, we were all gathered around eating lunch. My father was very quiet as he chewed. Finally he slammed his fist down on the table and said “This is ridiculous. We’re taking care of this right now.”

He didn’t have to specify what “this” was. We all knew. We had been dreading this moment all winter long.

“Ten minutes,” he said, picking up the phone to call Guthrie. “Prepare yourselves however you need to.”

Ten minutes later my brother Jori and I were standing outside, just out of nose shot of the Sheep barn. The other sheep had begun living on the other side of the pen and I had begun feeding and watering them there. The sheep barn with the remains of Bella had become a tainted place, a barnyard Chernobyl and we were going to venture inside.

Just then Guthrie the farmhand appeared wearing a real working World War II gas mask he had purchased in a moment of prescience years earlier from an army surplus store. His breathing came out hosey, moist and loud, like Darth Vader’s.

The visor had already begun fogging up and beading with moisture and I could barely see his face behind the plastic. Still he looked far better prepared for the task ahead than did Jori or I who had both worn only gloves and heavy jackets.

Finally my father appeared around the corner driving his beat up blue and red tractor “Henry.” Henry’s enormous front-mounted digging shovel was raised up in the air like the arms of some great, mechanical preying mantis. The word “SUPERBIN” was written in giant white letters across the front. He passed us and we followed solemnly behind towards the pen and whatever horrors awaited us there.

Stepping within forty feet of Bella was like walking into a dump on a hot day. The smell was incredible and vast, a veritable aural symphony: countless minute variations on the same hideous melody, all caustic, all absolutely revolting. Yet, we could tell that this was only the beginning. Like all grand symphonies, these opening notes were merely the barest introduction to the themes that would eventually reach crescendos and more potent variations, the likes of which we couldn’t even begin to grasp.

Grim faced, steel jawed, my father positioned Henry and lowered the Superbin to within several feet of Bella’s corpse. Physically, it would be a simple task, quite easy with four able bodied men. We would merely have to pick Bella up and place her in the Superbin. Then my father would drive her away into the forest and bury her. That was it.

We positioned ourselves. Already the smell was unendurable. Jori gagged slightly and my father tossed him a glare.

“It’s not that bad,” he said. “Come on, everybody grab a leg.”

With shaking hands we all reached out and each wrapped our fingers around a cold, bony hoof.

“Alright,” said my father, “On the count of three we lift.” He looked around at the three of us. We all nodded. My father smiled grimly. “ One.” He said. I let out my breath and stuck my head into the comparative safety of my jacket to take another. “Two.” Guthrie’s breath was now coming out in short, gurgling gasps from inside his mask. Jori looked like he was going to cry. “Three!”

And on the count of three all four of us pulled. And on what would have been the count of four, all four of us fell backwards, each of us now holding a disembodied sheep’s leg.

And out came the death fart.

Before our eyes, Bella deflated like a bad balloon and the smell went off the charts.

Jori vomited instantly and noisily as if he had been awaiting a particular cue to do so. Guthrie threw his leg away and scrambled backwards on his hands, eyes wide through his cloudy visor. I screamed again and again and threw my hands up into the air. The leg went with them. My father tossed his away in disgust, said “Jeeeeeeesus Christ” and with his other hand furiously fanned the air around his nose.

“Alright! Alright!” Yelled my father, trying to regain some semblance of order. “Come on, let’s just get this done. Grab her by the wool and turn her over.”

Somehow we managed to overcome our revulsion and comply. We grabbed her by the greenish, matted wool and turned her corpse onto it’s stomach.

“Alright, now lift her by the wool and put her in the superbin!” Growled my father.

We lifted by the wool and, miraculously, the wool held. However, as we moved her, her pronounced sack of udders scraped a hardened hillock of mud, and her entire stomach came off and sat like an apothecarian’s mortar filled with some greenish paste.

“Oh my God!!!” yelled Guthrie, his voice wet and tinny from within the mask.

“Don’t let her go!” Yelled my father.

With a sopping “thud” we managed to place Bella’s corpse into the super bin. She sat there limply and I as I watched her, narrating the events in my head, I realized how the pronoun “she” had lost all meaning. Somewhere between November and now Bella had ceased to be a “she” and had become an “it.” I guess death does that to you. Her status as an entity had been revoked. She was now a thing.

The three of us scattered as soon as our work was done. My father however simply glared at us like we were cowards, secured Bella to the bin with a bungee cord, and, taking a deep breath and steeling himself, knelt to retrieve Bella’s wayward stomach and udder. After securing these he leapt into the driver’s saddle.

There was a roar of the engine and a burst of blue smoke. Normally this smoke was a noxious bother but here, in contrast to the infernal reek of Bella’s death fart, it was like the very breath of god.

My father pushed a lever and the super bin lifted Bella’s remains up into the air. The three of us stood there and watched him drive off into the forest. We watched for a good minute until the trees swallowed him up and they were gone.

When we were out of nose shot of the barn Guthrie took off his gas mask. His face was sopping wet. His hair was damp and plastered to his face. He took a deep breath.

“God, that was horrible,” he said and lit a cigarette.

We both nodded. There was a pause.

“I’m gonna go take a shower,” he said and he left.

Jori and I continued to stand there for a while. Finally Jori shivered violently as if he was being assailed by rats, said he was going to go take a shower too and went inside. I stood there alone for a few more minutes. Cold wind blew and washed away the ambient stink, replaced it with the smell of old snow and melting earth . Spring smells.

The other sheep were now returning, cautiously, to the barn. When they saw me, they stared blankly for a moment and then started bleating for food. I took this as my cue to go inside too but as I turned to leave I saw Bessie, one of the current batch of Newfoundland dogs, lying near the sheep barn. She was chewing contentedly on something. Something long and slender.

“Hey Bessie,” I said, walking towards her.

She began wagging her tail as I approached. “Whatchu got there girl?” I asked. But no sooner had I asked this than I saw what it was. It was one of Bella’s legs. Bessie had no doubt retrieved the horrid thing when I had thrown it, shrieking, several minutes earlier.

As I neared, Bessie stopped chewing and grinned up at me -the sort of conspiratorial grin one might flash to a fellow gourmet at a posh restaurant. The sort of grin that says “yes, it is as good as it looks and no, you can’t have any.”

Obviously there was a cultural rift between she and I. I left her to what had the terrible potential of becoming a four course meal.

As I walked back to the house, reeking with the foulness of death, as the first organic smells of spring blew in from somewhere, I mused over the possible philosophical ramifications of the whole ordeal. I thought of grand themes: life and death, winter and spring, the whole cyclical nature of existence.

After casting about intently for some coherent message or grain of truth that I could salvage from the experience, I realized, to my relief, that there actually weren’t any. Any at all. Bella’s death and subsequent removal had been completely and absolutely meaningless.

The Lone Sentinal

Another Chapter in the Unabridged Suicide Note of Ricky Myron



The lone sentinel was the oldest of the chickens. He was an ancient, droopy old codger of a bird with a waxy, fallen comb and a coat of long, dirty feathers. Like many old men, certain, parts of the lone sentinel had grown bulbous and undisciplined with age. Even his feet, usually so trim and reptilian on birds, had become gnarled and swollen so that they resembled more some curiosity kept swimming in brine in a jar on an apothacarian’s shelf than chicken’s feet.
We never saw the poor bird eat. We never saw him drink. We never saw him move for that matter. We only saw him sit, on the same branch of the same tree, all day long, day, after day, after day. It was if he was waiting for his beloved to come home, although everybody knew she never would.
As evidence of his remarkable dedication, the branch directly below The Lone Sentinel featured a remarkable growth. It looked like the head of the worlds smallest but most expertly stacked chocolate chip ice-cream cone. In reality it was, of course a cumulation of weeks and weeks of nature, gravity and patience mixed with a little corn.
As far as I know there is no happy ending for the Lone Sentinel. He weathered storms, snow, ice, darkness, hunger and loneliness, but none of nature’s forces could keep him from his post. I could lie and tell you that he is there still, and perhaps he is in some form. But the truth is, nobody has seen him for years. The branch he used to sit on is gone now. The tree that used hold the branch is dying. All that remains is his memory.
That and a large grayish stain on the ground.



At some point in her life, my mother met a woman named Linda Kindler who was crazier than she was, so naturally my mother became her apprentice. Linda belonged to a small but potent demographic of stocky, blond lesbian ex-police officers. She had worked for nearly twenty years with the canine unit until her partner succumbed to a progressive hip-disorder and had to be put down. In her later years Linda founded the FairWeather Wildlife Rehabilitation Center which serviced most of Whatcom County and the nameless lands somewhat beyond.
FairWeather, like many wildlife rehabilitation centers, was funded out of pocket and limped along through the kind donations of strangers and the occasional government grant. FairWeather’s great specialty was the rehabilitation of raptors –birds of prey. As such, the FairWeather compound was littered with giant cages filled with hawks, eagles, owls and other birds with large talons and cruel, curved beaks.
Linda was legitimately crazy. She had long since decided that she hated people and had taken up, in perpetuity, with the animals under her care. As a consequence of living, more or less, strictly in the company of sick and wounded animals, she was eventually bitten by a diseased harbor seal that had been put under her care by a pair of visiting Korean tourists who had spotted the ailing beast whilst collecting interesting bits of driftwood on one of the local beaches. The seal’s bite infected Linda with a rare bacterial organism which affected her nervous system, slowly working it’s way up her arm and eventually into her brain.
Linda finally had the condition diagnosed and successfully treated with antibiotics but, to some extent, the damage had already been done and her brain, convinced it was still under attack by some bizarre, marauding organism, continued to slowly quarantine off sections of itself. This caused Linda to become more and more disassociated from the world around her and specifically, from her fellow man.
Linda’s awkwardness amongst humans came into sharp relief whenever she took her “educational” birds (animals that could never re-enter the wild) to various fairs and events in order to educate children. These events were obviously not very high on Linda’s “can’t wait to do” list but this educational component was often a prerequisite for many of the grants she received for the operation of FairWeather Wildlife.
With four large cages set up on the lawn and a throng of maybe 75-100 children seated cross-legged on the grass, Linda would walk back and forth in front of them like a drill sergeant, a large severe looking falcon standing stock still on her forearm, a little black blindfold strapped across it’s eyes.
“Hello, I’m Linda Kindler,” she’d say, “does anybody know what this is?” She’d ask, motioning to the falcon.
Perhaps a little red headed kid would raise his hand. Linda would not curtly at him.
“An eagle?”
Linda’s lip would curl. “No it is not an eagle, it is a falcon.” She would say, “But then again, I don’t really expect any of you to know what any of these bird are. That’s why I’m here. How many of you think this bird is pretty cute?”
Maybe half the kids would raise their hands.
“And how many of you wouldn’t mind having this bird for a pet?”
Damn near all the hands would go up at this. Many of them desperately so as if they were expecting this crazy woman to actually award the most fervent child, on the spot, with their very own bird of prey.
Linda’s disgust at this would be unmask-able. “Alright, and how much do you think this bird weighs?”
Various answers.
“This bird weighs five pounds,” she’d say, “and that’s nothing. The eagles back in the cage here weight 30 pounds at least. In order to take care of a bird like this, you have to hold them out on your arm as steady as you possibly can, for hours on end. If you think you’re up to it, try going home, filling up a gallon milk jug with water and holding it outright, perpendicular to your body –you know what perpendicular means? It means at a 90 degree angle. Do you know what a 90 degree angle is? Ask your parents or your teacher, that’s not my job. If you can hold that jug of milk at a 90 degree angle from your body for four hours, then maybe, just maybe you’re ready to start with some of the very small birds in our collection. But be careful, these birds are wild and if you move, even a little bit or show any sign of weakness whatsoever, they will become frightened and when these birds become frightened, they become violent and if one of these eagles gets violent, it can break your arm with its talons and rip your eyes right out of their sockets with it’s beak. An eagle could easily kill anybody in this room. It wouldn’t be hard at all. Any questions?”
A little pale girl would maybe raise her hand at this point. Linda would nod.
“Why’s he wearing a blindfold?” She’d ask in a timid voice.
Linda’s eyes would narrow. “So he doesn’t have to look at you.”

As Linda aged, as her seal damaged brain continued shutting off more and more sections of itself, she became crazier and crazier until soon only my mother, her trusted apprentice, could come anywhere near her without inciting some measure of ambient wrath.
In addition to the birds of prey, FairWeather wildlife accepted smaller birds and lesser mammals such as skunks, possums and raccoons. However, the crazier Linda got, the less volunteers she had. The less volunteers she had, the less she was able to tend to the mammals. The less she was able to tend to the mammals, the more the she turned to my mother for help. Soon it became obvious that FairWeather Wildlife was going to split in two. Linda would still handle the raptors and birds of prey, my mother would start her own wildlife rehabilitation center in our basement and tend to all the rest
I recall helping my mother move out some of the cages and supplies from FairWeather in order to transport them to their new location in our basement. I had actually only met Linda once or twice before, years earlier and had forgotten nearly everything about her except that my mother thought she was crazy. When a crazy person calls another person crazy without cracking a smile, you know you’re in for a treat.
I arrived at FairWeather and there was already a pile of equipment waiting for me in the driveway. Linda was nowhere to be seen. I glanced up at the house, the main building of the FairWeather Wildlife complex and saw a curtain quickly whip shut. I proceeded to load the equipment into the back of the truck. It only took fifteen minutes or so and I was about to leave but I figured I should probably go and thank Linda or at least verify that I was Susie Burnett’s son and not just some guy with a fetish for heat-lamps and raccoon cages who happened to be in the right place at the right time.
I walked up to the main house and rang the doorbell. At first there was no answer. Then a staticcy voice came through a little two way panel near the door.
“Who is it?” Said the voice.
“It’s Raven Burnett, I’m Susie Burnett’s son.”
“Hello?” I asked.
A long sigh. “Alright, come on in.” The door buzzed and I turned the knob.
Inside the house was a long living room with framed paintings of various birds on either side -portraits really- of the sort one would might have of deceased family members, lining the hallway of an ancestral home. At the end of the room was a staircase and at the top of the staircase was a woman. She was wearing what appeared to be an elaborate African tribal ceremonial gown complete with a headdress inlayed with precious stones, seashells and copious amounts of feathers. Infact, the entire outfit was adorned with feathers. Infact, on closer examination it became quite obvious that this was, essentially, a bird costume, albeit an extremely intricate and, no doubt, very expensive one.
As Linda descended the stairs, she raised her arms out to the sides to reveal a sort of feathered web that stretched between her torso and forearms. Wings. As she turned to walk down the stairs, I could finally see the headdress in profile and a long, dark beak carved out of what looked to be some sort of wood, jutted out just above her forehead.
“Good afternoon Raven Burnett,” boomed Linda, “and welcome to FairWeather Wildlife. I am Linda. Do you like my wings?”
I answered that yes I did, stammered that in fact, I was crazy about the whole place. Linda smiled mysteriously, finally reaching the bottom of the staircase and standing, in all her insane glory before me, wings outstretched, her head arched back slightly, the beak of her headdress upturned, facing the sky.
“So am I,” she said looking at me very, very seriously. “So am I.”


In the years to come, my Mother’s Wildlife Rehabilitation Center would come to be known as “The Nisqually Wildlife Center” after the large and somewhat awkward Ferry Boat pilot house that had been grafted to the front of our living room on a mad whim. The Wildlife Center was opened directly below the Nisqually pilot house, in the basement.
The basement was essentially a large, concrete cube. It was dingy and hot and was speared through by countless 2 X 4s that acted as support struts to keep the immense weight of the Nisqually Pilot house from caving in and crushing all the cute baby birds and squirrels.
The center itself was divided into three rooms. The main room housed all the cages, the operating table, the incubator and all the various supplies such as medicines, clean linens and food. In the far back left there was the “kitchen” which housed a washer and drier, a dishwasher, a sink, a refrigerator, microwave and a prep table.
During the first couple of years things went swimmingly. As my mother was not nearly as crazy as Linda had been, we had no shortage of volunteers. It was during this time also that my parents cleaned out the old shack that was connected to the chicken coop, chased out the rats that had been nesting there and began renting the place out to gullible and needy 18 year olds. The first pair to bite were a kindly couple named Candace and Guthrie.
Candace and Guthrie soon began shouldering a great many of the burdens associated with maintaining the Wildlife Center and the surrounding farm.
Over the years, the Wildlife Center saw many creatures come and go. As is the sobering reality of wildlife rehabilitation, most cases, unfortunately, were hopeless, unsaveable. People would often drop off animals that had been hit by cars and were nearly dead on arrival. They would do this mostly out of guilt, fully knowing that the animal would not make it, but desperately needing to know that they, at least, had done their part. We’d get our share of hysterical housewives as well, women who had absolutely nothing to do with their lives once all the day’s chores had been done. For them the day a bird hit their window and was knocked unconscious was a momentous occasion.
These women would bring the wounded birds in themselves, housed in shoe-boxes with little bird feeders, water fountains and beds. Many would keep detailed journals of when and what the bird had eaten (if anything) since it’s arrival. My parents would be patient with these women, pleasant but careful not to unleash their pent up store of no-doubt boundless enthusiasm or worse: to unintentionally kindle a friendship.
After dropping the birds off, these women would call everyday to check on the progress and would sound legitimately crushed when we inevitably told them that the bird had died.
I can only imagine that these poor, bored women would then go back to their pretty little homes, go back to polishing their large bay windows until they were absolutely spotless and all but invisible. Then they would pour themselves some tea (or perhaps a white wine spritzer) and drink it with their little white hands latched across their laps while they sat on their immaculate sofas, waiting, waiting for another “thump” to sound.


Occasionally we would receive abandoned animals –wild animal babies whose mothers had been killed either by cars, hunters or other animals but were, apart from being half starved, completely healthy. These were always the fun animals as they were mostly too young to be terrified of human beings and, since there was usually nothing physically wrong with them, had the highest chance for survival and eventual release back into the wild.
One year we received a tiny, baby raccoon whose mother had abandoned him. She had probably been hit by a car and the woman who brought him in had heard him crying from a stump in her back yard and had gone to investigate. We named him Rizzo after an hirsute New York plumber we had known.
Rizzo had what my mother referred to as a “Big Personality.” In fact, Rizzo was mischief made flesh, the norse god Loki descended to earth and placed within a adorable furry little husk.
When Rizzo wasn’t eating, he was destroying things. That is what raccoons do: they destroy things. If ever a mascot was needed for hyper-active and anti-social children, a raccoon would be it. Raccoons never stop moving. Their entire life is one long gesture culminating in a collapse. As long as a raccoon is still alive, however, it will fidget, upend, ferret-out, tear-apart, beat, eat, smell, bite, scratch, kick, throw or strangle anything in its vicinity.
Setting Rizzo out on the veranda was endlessly entertaining as he would make his way across the yard using the most dangerous and hap-hazard of routes. Raccoons, despite their semi-arboreal nature, are anything but graceful and they seem to have no knowledge or respect for gravity. Rizzo would fall off fences, misgauge jumps, and climb objects that could not support his weight. The only thing that kept him from rather severe damage was my mother who ran along one step ahead of him like a personal trainer, ready and waiting to catch him when he fell.
Rizzo also had an eye for cats. And when I say that “he had an eye for cats,” I mean that he wanted to kill them. Rizzo wouldn’t toss obscenities at the cats, largely because he didn’t know any. Nor did he try to bite the cats or claw at them as one might have expected. Instead he would try to strangle them. At the sight of a cat, his little furry arms would shoot out and his little furry hands would come together in a desperate grasping gesture.
I had never imagined that this was the raccoon’s preferred method of attack: strangulation. I had always assumed that human beings were the only animals on earth that strangled one another. However, seeing Rizzo attempt it I realized that it probably happened all the time in the wild. Every night as my family lay asleep in their beds, raccoons were out there in the woods, strangling stray cats, strangling mice, fish, birds, maybe even other raccoons. Somehow the thought didn’t sit particularly well with me.
Soon the time for Rizzo’s release into the wild came…and went. Rizzo, however, remained. When asked why Rizzo had not been released, my mother would become defensive and say:
“We can’t let Rizzo go now, he’s part of the family.”
We tried reasoning with her saying that, despite being raised by us, Rizzo was still a wild animal.
To this my mother would simply shrug and perhaps say something vaguely provocative and utterly non-sensical such as “if you ask me, we’re the real wild animals.”
The interesting thing about mammals, of course, is that they eventually go through puberty unless they are neutered. Puberty accomplishes a great many things for an organism. Chief amongst these is that it makes the pubescent organism sexually viable by awakening its secondary sexual characteristics and instincts. Along with this viability comes a surge of other conditions designed by nature, to protect her newly awakened investment. Chief amongst these (in the male of the species anyway) are aggression, increased muscle mass, and the frequent marking of one’s territory usually via the spray of musk or urine.
When Rizzo went through puberty he began biting and pissing on everything. He also grew until he was the size of a small, muscular dog. The cats lived in perpetual fear of him and the rest of us couldn’t really get near him without being bitten or pissed on. Even my mother was having trouble “bonding” with him.
“He’s just grouchy because he’s got a lot of free floating anxiety,” she’d say cheerfully as she poured iodine on her most recent puncture wound.
One day Rizzo escaped from the wildlife center and went missing for three days. During that time, my mother became deeply depressed as if she had lost one of her children. My father would go out at night with a flashlight calling for Rizzo. They left food out for him which got eaten by something each night but Rizzo did not return.
On the third night, Guthrie and Candace came home late from a concert only to discover that their shack had been ransacked. All the dishes had been thrown on the floor, all their toys and books and clothes had been tossed and torn. Paper was everywhere; even the silverware had been taken out of the drawers and scattered around.
“Stay out here,” said Guthrie to Candace. Not knowing what else to do he grabbed the axe that they kept outside for chopping wood. Cautiously he opened the door and went inside. The place appeared empty. Just then Guthrie heard something falling and crashing to the floor. It had come from the bathroom. Grabbing the axe a little tighter he made his way to the bathroom and pushed open the door. Rizzo was there, standing on the edge of the sink. The medicine cabinet was open and he was casually rifling through it, tossing things he didn’t like over his shoulder and muttering under his breath..
When he saw Guthrie he threw his little hands up in the air and screamed “EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” and ran. Guthrie didn’t know what to do so he tried to catch Rizzo. Rizzo was furious at being discovered in the middle of what could only be likened to a “bender,” and he ran around the coop, knocking obstacles into Guthrie’s path, biting, scratching and trying desperately to strangle Guthrie’s wrist. Finally Guthrie restrained him and placed him in an unused clothes hamper.
As he was taking Rizzo outside to return him to his cage in the Wildlife center, Guthrie was mobbed by the dogs who had heard the commotion and come running to see what all the fuss was about. Candace tried to keep the dogs from Rizzo but there were too many of them. Eventually the hamper got knocked over. Rizzo escaped somehow and scampered into a nearby tree where he sat in the highest branch and hissed.
Too tired to try and get him back down, Candace and Guthrie put the dogs away and began straightening up their house. Periodically Guthrie would go outside to check on Rizzo. Each time Rizzo was still in the same spot. The last time he checked on Rizzo, the little Raccoon was fast asleep. Exhausted, Guthrie and Candace decided to go to bed.

The next morning the sun rose on red earth. As it was Springtime, my mother had recently received her semi-annual transfusion of new ducklings and chicks to replenish the dwindling populations in the chicken coop. These new baby birds were currently being kept in large open topped aluminum bins in the wildlife center until they were big enough to make it on their own within the murderous wilds of the chicken coop. Along with these tender specimens were the usual assortment of inmates: homeless mammals, wounded rodents and seagulls with buckshot through their wings.
When my mother came down that morning she was shocked to find the door to the center slightly ajar. The door was rarely, if ever, locked but it was customary to keep it tightly closed to insure the safety of all the helpless little creatures inside. Apprehensive to say the least, my mother stepped inside.
What met her eyes there was a scene of carnage and horror. Feathers were everywhere. Dots of bright red blood speckled the newsprint lining the cages. Corpses of chicks, geese, ducks, sparrows and seagulls lay piled haphazardly like sandbags in some makeshift bunker. The only animals still left alive were the wounded ones locked safely away inside their cages and these, having witnessed such atrocity, released terrified shrieks as my mother entered the room.
Lying atop this mountain of carnage sleeping peacefully, the limp neck of a duckling still clutched between his furry little hands, was Rizzo. After his adventure with Candace and Guthrie, Rizzo had apparently worked up quite an appetite. He had waited until the dogs were gone and then climbed down the tree, made his way to the wildlife center, somehow turned the doorknob and then proceeded to strangle every bird in the center that wasn’t behind bars. Judging from the feathers still stuck to his face, he had eaten his share as well.
After this incident, my mother was shaken but still insisted that Rizzo was merely “going through a difficult time” and refused to release him into the wild. It turned out that the choice wasn’t really hers to make. Raccoons are very intelligent creatures and keeping them in captivity once they have reached sexual maturity isn’t just a bad idea, logistically, it is nearly impossible. Soon Rizzo escaped again and this time he didn’t come back.
My mother was crushed that her child had abandoned her and I suppose there was some legitimacy to that, but really she had done Rizzo a wonderful service, she had been his mother and raised him from a tiny, helpless little baby. In the wild, Raccoons do not remain with their mothers after they reach sexual maturity, it simply wouldn’t make sense.
My mother was as much a mother to Rizzo as any raccoon ever could have been and I’m sure that somewhere, deep in the obsessive compulsive recesses of Rizzo’s twisted little brain, he is aware of that fact. And somewhere, even deeper, beyond thought, beyond perception, in the deepest wells of his raccoon mind where the foundations of who he is are kept safe and sacred like treasures in a vault, I’m certain that he holds an image or a smell of her -some token scrap of memory- under which, in whatever clumsy language raccoons speak, the word “Mama” is written.